台灣TAIWAN 觀光標誌 經濟美學的結合。觀光局多與 藝術大師「徐永進」 合作,完成這經典作品,做為觀光局行銷台灣到全世界的logo原創黑色性國民旅遊卡台灣觀光巴士到處能見到台灣觀光有關的產業 尤其是觀光盛地及台北捷運 到處能見到這logo以當代書法藝術寫成的T汽車貸款AIWAN不僅代表濃厚的中國文化,而且書法所呈現的視覺效果,台灣也台灣人們的溫暖熱情與人情味。 「T」象徵台灣的屋簷,表達了台灣似一個溫馨的家。在圖形方面是以台灣著名觀光景點野柳女王頭的形狀做為書法上發展的一個圖字形。「A」一個觀光客在欣賞觀光銀行利率景點女王頭的感覺。「i」是外來的遊客,受到主人的招呼款待。「W」則是兩人高興的握手言歡。也有台灣的檳榔西施文化,很受外國觀光客的好奇,w呈現波霸的圖像形容。「A」和「N」A字和N字則像祖孫三代同堂的畫面,A是家人,N是阿媽抱著小孫子的畫面,象徵台灣人機車借款的溫馨及愛家。 以當代書法藝術寫成的TAIWAN不僅代表濃厚的中國文化,而且書法內所呈現的視覺效果,也深富台灣人們的溫暖熱情與人情味。中文化的書法配上西法的英文字母,則是傳統遇上新潮的爆發性藝術創作,象徵我們台灣 不但擁用有中西文化的結合及世界地房屋貸款球村為台灣一家的意義。 Taiwan’s new tourism campaign uses Chinese calligraphy to write the country’s name in English. The calligraphy was done by Hsu Yong Chin, who came up with the design in under a minute. Despite being completed so 農地貸款quickly, the design manages to capture the richness of Taiwan ’s culture. It is not easy to use Chinese calligraphy to express yourself in English, however Hsu’s bold and unrestrained style manages to show Taiwan ’s unique character. 負債整合 Each letter in the word “ Taiwan ” represents something about Taiwan . The T represents the beautiful Queen stone in Yehliu. The A is a person welcoming visitors to Taiwan with open arms. The I is someone 資產管理公司admiring the Queen stone.The W shows two friends shaking hands or drinking tea together. The A and the N show a mother, grandmother, and child. The grandmother is holding the child. Hsu is a teacher at Hsing-Chu Teacher’s College and 支票貼現has been practicing Chinese ink painting and calligraphy for over 38 years. However, this is his biggest project so far. The logo has definitely been a success. It is simple and clear, yet its meaning is far reaching. The logo will be used 小額信貸around the world to promote Taiwan , and recently Hsu went to Tokyo , for the Taiwan Tourism Bureau’s unveiling of the logo in Japan . At the ceremony, Hsu wowed the crowd with a live calligraphy demonstration. 經濟美學可提升文化價值,更能讓個人信貸藝術融合於生活當中。

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